What is double-spending and why is it such a problem?
Double-spending is a major computing problem that has to be solved by every cryptocurrency. If not, the cryptocurrency in question is essentially worthless because anyone can duplicate a transaction with the currency at any time.
- “Double-spending” means that the same units of a currency could be spent twice
- Double-spending would destroy the trust in a cryptocurrency
- Cryptocurrencies prevent double-spending by using a blockchain that combines an open ledger with cryptographic algorithms
In this lesson, you will learn about double-spending.

Double-spending means that the same units of a cryptocurrency could potentially be spent twice, thus it is crucial to technologically eliminate this possibility.
Double-spending would basically destroy the technological grounding on which a blockchain is founded - a database that is not only tamper-proof, but also records every transaction that has ever taken place within the network. Thus, the potential to execute double-spending would fundamentally undermine the trust in a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin or any other blockchain database.
A related analogy for explaining this conundrum is the “Byzantine Generals Problem”, which addresses the challenge multiple parties that do not trust each other face when they undertake a joint venture in which they need to cooperate to succeed.
The Byzantine Generals Problem is a thought experiment to illustrate the issue of disagreement between players in a decentralised system. In this comparison, only a coordinated attack by all generals each controlling his own army leads to victory. As soon as one general defects or attacks another general, the battle is lost.